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The Unity Federation of Church of England

and Community Academies

Colkirk and Sculthorpe Church of England Primary Academies and Little Snoring Community Primary Academy

Information on DNEAT Academy Conversion for the Unity Federation of Church Schools

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What is an Academy?

Academies are state maintained schools free to all children. They have to follow the same rules as all other state-funded schools over admissions, pupils with Special Educational Needs and exclusions. They are still inspected by Ofsted.

Although academies do not have to follow the national curriculum this is unlikely to have any impact on the way that education is currently delivered in the school as a balanced curriculum which is judged against national standards, must be provided. However, we do pride ourselves on our cross age and cross-curricular working and feel that we might have the opportunity to develop this further, particularly as we have the chance to work alongside other smaller schools within the Trust.

Not all academies are the same. We see no need for change to the day to day running of our school and we think that becoming an academy now within the Diocese of Norwich Multi Academies Trust is the best way to ensure that we can do that.

What is the Diocese of Norwich Multi Academies Trust?

The Diocese of Norwich Multi Academies Trust (DoNMAT) has been established by the Diocese of Norwich as a company to be responsible for a number of academies. The Directors have an agreement with the Secretary of State for Education to support and manage a number of individual academies. DoNMAT offers “A safe haven for schools wishing to preserve their Christian heritage, ethos and values; maintain their distinct identity, character and autonomy; prize their place and contribution within the pattern of local provision through inclusive service to their community; and to continue to celebrate an holistic approach to educating and developing the whole child.”

The Directors of the Diocese of Norwich Multi Academies Trust are appointed by the Diocese of Norwich. The Trust also provides a range of services for its Academies, including finance and HR support and meetings for head teachers and governing bodies to support them in continuing to improve outcomes for pupils.

Responsibility for leadership and management of the federation remains with the governing body and the head teacher. The Academy Trust will appoint a majority of the governing body. There will continue to be elected parent and staff governors – including a parent from each school.

What impact will this have on the Unity Federation of Schools?

Governors believe this will have a very positive impact and we are confident the relationship and benefits will develop over time. Membership of the Diocese of Norwich Multi Academies Trust will help to secure the future of our school. Each of our schools has always valued the close relationship with the church - our links are close and strong. Becoming an academy within a Church Trust would support and strengthen these links.

We will not make any major changes. There will be no change to the uniform, the admissions arrangements or to the times of the school day or terms. All children and all members of staff will continue to be part of the school.

So why make the change?

Academy status gives us some additional flexibility in deciding how best to meet the needs of your children.

The Government has made clear that it believes all schools should convert to Academy status and we want to manage how that happens for our school.

You can visit DNEAT's website by clicking on the link below: