This means that the Board of Governors comprises representatives of the
Church, Diocese of Norwich Education and Academy Trust (DNEAT), the Parish Councils and Parents.
The present school dates back to the 1841 but the building was originally a 17th Century brick and flint barn. Since then many additions have happened including two log cabins that house some of our classes.
We admit children from Sculthorpe, Sculthorpe Eastgate, Dunton, The
Barshams, The Creakes and Fakenham.
We have links with Ladybirds, Little Angels, Fakenham Children’s Day Care Centre and Colkirk Preschool. We also have a link with the Children's Centre in Fakenham.
We federated in January 2011 both, and in January 2014 a second school joined our federation – Colkirk CE VA Primary School and in August 2018 a third school joined – Little Snoring Primary Academy, forming the Unity federation of Church Schools. Each school has Head of School.
There are many advantages to being in federation, including:
- Pupils have increased social, sporting and cultural opportunities
- Staff have enhanced professional development
- Schools financially benefit
The benefits of being part of DNEAT, include:
- Academy status gives us some additional flexibility in deciding how best to meet the needs of your children.
- Greater purchasing power and value for money.

- Additional support and expertise that no longer exists in the Local Authority in ways it has in the past.
- A wider network of support available when we need it.
- Protection of our Christian foundations.
How we work:
The school is divided into 3 classes:
- Butterflies – Reception and Year 1
- Fireflies – Years 2, 3 & 4
- Dragonflies – 5 & 6
Each taught by a qualified teacher and/or HLTA, most are supported byTeaching Assistants.
Some Teaching Assistants work with SEND children, either on an individual or small group basis, other Teaching Assistants work within the whole class environment.
Our class sizes are between 18 and 26 children.
In our academy it is important we promote and encourage the best possible behaviour of everyone who is associated with it.
As part of our work with Pivotal Behaviour we have trained all staff to develop meaningful strategies to work with everyone in a supportive way in our academy.
As part of this work we have a Behaviour Blueprint that everyone follows (this compliments our Behaviour Policy and Academy Rules).
Please click here to view our academy behaviour code:
Our latest results can be accessed on the DFE performance website